Independent Broker Dealer Consortium

Cyber Risk Management Workshop: How To Self-assess Your Cybersecurity Risks And How To Choose The Best Cybersecurity Insurance For Your Firm

Date: December 3, 2021
Time: 3:00 pm
Where: Zoom Screen From the Comfort and Safety of your home
Past Webinar

Attendees will be provided with a complimentary Cybersecurity Risk Register.

During this workshop, we will cover what a typical risk register entails and a discussion of the following Cybersecurity risks with sound advice about how to address them with proven solutions.
Patch Management
Vendor Reviews
We will also compare typical Cybersecurity insurance coverage grants, conditions, and exclusions to assist you in navigating the myraid of Cybersecurity insurance products on the market to find the policy that best suits your firm's needs and exposures.


Paul Horn

Paul Horn

Founder and CEO - H2Cyber

Sheri Pontolillo

President of Interweb Insurance
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