Independent Broker Dealer Consortium

Ibdc-riac Spotlight Webinar Series Presents

Alternative Investments – How To Best Protect Yourself From Yourself

Date: February 25, 2021
Time: 3:00 pm
Duration: 1 Hour
Where: Zoom Screen From the Comfort and Safety of your home
Past Webinar

IBDC presents The Birmingham Boys, IBDC Alliance Members Mickey Wright of the law firm Lloyd Gray Whitehead and Monroe of Birmingham, Alabama , and Gary Saretsky and Jonathan Sterling of the law firm Saretsky Hart Michaels + Gould of Birmingham, Michigan on February 25 for an in-depth look at “What went wrong with my alternative product arbitration”.

Wright, Saretsky, and Sterling will deconstruct actual arbitrations that involve alternative products and will discuss:
Risk Analysis of the Offering
Insuring the Risk – Do You Have Enough Coverage and Exclusions?
Documenting the Sales to the Client
Supervision of the Sale
Relationship With the Sponsor



Lilian A. Morvay

Principal and Founder of IBDC-RIAC

Gary M. Saretsky

Founding Partner
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