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Independent Broker Dealer Consortium
  • May 07-10, 2023

    2023 conference independent broker dealer consortium
    risk management conference, technology and knowledge forum

    Hosted By: Lilian A. Morvay, JD

    st. regis hotel, park city, utah
    Register Now
    Regis Hotel

Community & Connections

to Support Broker Dealers and RIAs


Quick answers to pressing problems from vetted industry professionals. Plus, expert recommendations for managing tough security/compliance issues.


Connect with elite thought leaders and risk-management professionals. IBDC brings multiple levels of the industry together to solve problems.


Breaking news, leading-edge technology and more, that will keep you ahead of the curve.


Members access our powerful consortium of experts who are successfully resolving a variety of complex legal compliance/security issues. Don’t miss out on their advice.

In today’s legal environment, the IBD/RIA industries face challenges on a minute-to-minute basis: new regulations, dealing with a FINRA or SEC audit, managing a client after they’ve been hacked…

It never stops.

How can your business handle it without wasting time and money? Or worse, making even bigger mistakes because of under-qualified “help”?

Membership in the IBDC connects you to the industry’s most powerful resources, tools, contacts and information, to effectively navigate an ever-changing regulatory landscape.

About Us


From White Papers to webinars, access exclusive tools, resources and contacts to ensure that your business is thoroughly up to date – and running at its most efficient.
IBDC Membership


Network. Learn. Interact at the most prestigious gatherings of industry leaders.
IBDC Events


Stay on top of fast-moving changes. Read what industry leaders are saying, forecasting, debating.
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