The best defense is a strong offense. Before an issue develops into a legal matter, cybersecurity breach, or insurance concern, reach out to a specialist via the IBDC-RIAC hotline. This service, which is available to IBDC-RIAC members, provides access to all of the Alliance members on the network, who will respond to a legal, compliance, cybersecurity, or insurance inquiry within 48 hours. This benefit is complimentary and invaluable if you need to reach out to someone and don’t know who to turn to.
In the event you need to retain any of our IBDC-RIAC Alliance members, we have negotiated rates for IBDC-RIAC members.
IBDC-RIAC is also supporting the IBD and RIA businesses by: the creation of litigation teams amongst our Alliance members, who collaborate on legal matters common to many of our IBD and RIA members; scheduling roundtable discussions amongst industry thought leaders designed to focus on solutions; developing insurance solutions for IBDs and RIAs, and; presenting webinars and publishing whitepapers on current topics of interest to this industry.