Independent Broker Dealer Consortium

2020 IBDC Conference – Virtual

Described by industry thought leaders as the best risk management conference, IBDC-RIAC will again be addressing the myriad of issues and concerns of IBDs and RIAs in its 3-day virtual conference scheduled for October 13-15.

Date: October 13-15, 2020
Where: Zoom Screen From the Comfort and Safety of your home
Past Conference


Described by industry thought leaders as the best risk management conference, IBDC-RIAC will again be addressing the myriad of issues and concerns of IBDs and RIAs in its 3-day virtual conference scheduled for October 13-15.

During this conference, you will be hearing from best in class defense securities attorneys, compliance, regulatory, cybersecurity, and insurance experts about real-time issues that impact your business and employable measures to successfully respond to these challenges.Moreover, this will be the first time that you will also hear from "the other side" during a special presentation with experts who regularly testify on behalf of claimants.

Don't miss this unparalleled conference that will offer you valuable tools that will positively impact and protect your businesses on a virtual platform that will enable you to network with other attendees and the experts.

Our Risk Management Topics Will Include:

Dual registrant issues

Regulatory Update

Recent disciplinary actions, and current regulatory focus

Recordkeeping challenges for 3(21) and 3(38) advisors

Hot Topics in light of the market volatility and the corona virus

Update of current alternative product litigation

Reg BI Audit Findings

Frauds perpetrated on the elderly and vulnerable clients

Recent FINRA exam experiences

Reg BI Redux

Effective virtual branch audits that satisfy and exceed FINRA's requirement

Deciphering PPMs and Product Selling Agreements....and much more

We will be facilitating and encouraging networking with our virtual event platform, offer attendees an opportunity to have one on one consultations with our IBDC Alliance members and may just have a little fun along the way.

Ibdc Alliance Members Who Have Presented Include


Lilian A. Morvay

Principal and Founder of IBDC-RIAC

Michael Schwartzberg

Webinar Moderator - Partner, Winget Spadafora Schwartzberg
Eric A. Michaels

Eric A. Michaels

Founding Partner

Miles D. Hart

Founding Partner

Gary M. Saretsky

Founding Partner
Jennifer Stout

Jennifer Stout


Bob Valker

Capital Forensics
Gary Kessler

Gary Kessler

Founding partner, Kessler & Collins

Mitch Avnet

founder and Managing Partner

Brian Cavanaugh

Director – BD/ IA Practice
Jack Jennings

Jack Jennings

Executive Vice President – BD / IA Practice

Miriam Lefkowitz, Esq

Expert/Securities Regulatory Attorney
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